Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finding Inspiration

The beginning of the year is always an exciting time.  Not only does my birthday fall within the first two weeks -hello "easing into resolutions"- but everyone is buzzing about movies, awards season dresses and new year trends.  The first week back in California, I met Emily Schuman of Cupcakes and Cashmere at her garage sale and scored a classic pair of nude pumps (pictured).  Seeing as her blog has been a daily read for almost 5 years, meeting her seemed as though I was reconnecting with an old friend.  Her blog has inspired me to enjoy the little things, reach out of my comfort zone and to "elevate everyday life"!   

cheers to the new year
keep hustlin'

find my favorite loafers here
a similar necklace here
my new sunglasses ici (such a steal!)